Tim Bellows and Jerry Guarino

Tim Bellows and Jerry Guarino

Monday, August 12, 2013 at 7:30 PM
1719 25th Street at SPC
Host: Bob Stanley

Tim Bellows, with a graduate degree from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, teaches writing at Sierra College in Northern California. Devoted to lakes, mountains, and inner perception, he’s widely published in journals and Internet venues – and has twice been nominated for the Annual Pushcart Prize. Further, he was awarded two scholarships in The National Writing Project courses for teachers. His book, citrus & green, has just gone live from AuthorHouse Press out of Bloomington. Finally, his Poetry Craft from the Diamond Core, a radical approach to revising poem and Self, is due out in 2014.

“Tim Bellows is an unabashedly spiritual poet in an increasingly cynical world. So many poets repress their spiritual nature in an attempt to pacify waves of secular angst, workshop homogeneity, and political correctness that threaten to overwhelm us. But Tim Bellows provides no apologies. These poems are about Soul’s journey. Each line demonstrates the relentless search for the secret cadences of breath and touch, the belief that each and every moment of our lives is an epiphany trapped in a puzzle box, a secret treasure waiting to be opened.”

— Todd Temkin, North American poet and Chairman of the Valparaiso Foundation in Valparaiso, Chile. His poems have appeared in literary reviews and magazines, both in the US and Latin America. His most recent book is Crazy Denizens of the Lost World.


oh body of lights
let the China roses open
nip at sunlight in air    allow

love leaps into angled bones
mercy abundant    as the old ones with
silver eyes finally moan into bed

allow love’s tunes to leap back
into roundness of infants    somewhere
let the petals flame   let the headstrong furnace

       tremble and blaze

Jerry Guarino is an author and teacher living in the SF Bay Area. His short stories and plays have been published by dozens of literary magazines in the US, Canada, Australia and Great Britain. He is the author of 50 Italian Pastries, Trilogies40 Slices of Pizza, Cafe StoriesThe Devil’s Orchestra and The Chess Table. Cafe Stories is an eclectic collection of 26 critically acclaimed short stories previously published by magazines.

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