SPC Online poetry events – Week of April 27-May 1, 2020

Mon., Apr. 27 @10:00 am

Writers on the Air, led by Todd Boyd

RSVP in advance via email to writersontheair.message@gmail.com

Zoom link:

https://us04web.zoom.us/j/358106078?pwd=YzdvelcxOW1CNWg2YnBuc05ZYUJaQT09     (Meeting ID: 358 106 078/Password: 025674)

Mon.,  Apr 27  @7:15 pm

SPC Monday night poetry readings, “Poetry from Maine to California:  a salon-style poetry reading,  hosted by Len Germinara


Meeting ID: 763 873 3462 (“P O E T R E E I N C”)/ Password: spcsdv2020

Tue.,  Apr. 28  @7:30 pm

SPC Tuesday night workshop, hosted by Dyan Powell.  Bring a poem for critique
Meeting ID: 346 316 163

Wed.,  Apr 29 @6:00 pm

MarieWriters – Write to a prompt and share a poem in a supportive group

                           led by Laura Rosenthal


Fri.,  May 1  @4:00 pm

Writing from the Inside Out, led by Nick LeForce

Register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. (If you have registered before, use the same link)

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