Hannah Orlando, Jennifer Snow & Stephanie Fintz with TranscendLit.com || Monday, September 2, 7:30 pm || Spc, 1719 25th St || Host CharRon Smith

TRANSCEND – A Literary Journal

To you for whom we provide our dedication and perseverance. To you for whom we strive to provide the relatable voices that we could not find when we were younger.

There is no lack of literary magazines in the world. However, as three queer women of different backgrounds, we saw a gap in the industry. No magazine discriminates from the breadth of the population submitting, but not every voice breaks through. Not every person has the access to the resources necessary to succeed as a creator. We wanted to focus on the voices we don’t hear as often, the ones that need a little guidance before a piece can be published, the ones that feel their work isn’t strong enough for submissions, the ones that cannot afford a computer or submission fees, and most importantly any disadvantaged or underrepresented voices. This
idea brought forth Transcend.

We look for work that traverses the line of everyday, and we seek writing and art that we won’t find in every other literary magazine. We want the work you are passionate about. We want the poem you cried after writing. Or the short story that filled every moment of your life. We want to hear your voice in any way that defines you. Each creator is unique and we want to foster an atmosphere of growth and freedom. Our aim is to give authors the chance to work with a piece that may not be ready to publish as it stands—one that is rich with potential—to become a piece the author is proud of and give it a space as a published work.

Writing is more than just words on paper. It is the breath we exhale and it exists in the life of every person. It is not limited to those who can afford or accomplish advanced degrees. It lives in the souls of busy single mothers, of college students working two jobs, of struggling minorities, of successful business owners, of people who cannot lift a pen without aid. It lives in the ones submitting works for publishing, and in the people running Transcend. Our doors are open to every person.

Most importantly, our doors are open to you.

— Founders:
Jennifer Snow
Hannah Orlando
Stephanie Fintz

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