Escritores Del Nuevo Sol / Writers of the New Sun || Monday, November 5, 7:30 pm || SPC, 1719 25th St || Host Wendy Williams || Free Event

Escritores Del Nuevo Sol / Writers of the New Sun: A literary community, established in 1993, especially honors the literary and artistic cultures and traditions of the Chicano, Latino, Indigenous and Spanish-language peoples. Members write in Spanish or English, or both.
Nancy Aidé González Is a Chicana poet, educator, and activist. Her work has appeared in Huizache: The Magazine of Latino Literature, La Tolteca, and other literary journals. Her work is featured in the Poetry of Resistance: Voices for Social Justice, Sacramento Voices Anthology, and Lowriting: Shots, Rides, and Stories from the Chicano Soul. She is currently in her second year in the doctoral program in Education at the University of the Pacific.
Zheyla Henriksen, Ecuadorian, poet, researcher, and artist, currently resides in the United States and is a retired teacher. She has taught at universities, such as University of California at Davis, where she received her PHD in Latin American and Spanish Literature, and the California State University at Sacramento, where she received her Masters Degree in Spanish Literature. In 2008, her book of Poemas Dispersos was published, which included the collection of poetry called Poemas del cuerpo, which was one of the seven finalists in the Concurso Internacional de Poesia Erótica in Gijón, Spain in 2004.
JoAnn Anglin has taught poetry writing in schools, at Shriners Children’s Hospital, for a program with Crocker Art Museum, at a senior facility, and currently at California State Prison, Sacramento (New Folsom). She received a District Arts Award from the Sacramento City Council and the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors. She coached for ten years for Poetry Out Loud and is a member of California Poets in the Schools (CPITS), the Sacramento Poetry Center, and Los Escritores del Nuevo Sol/Writers of the New Sun. Several journals and anthologies have included her poems, most recently Convergence and The Los Angeles Review.
Rosie Ochoa is an international bookseller and world traveler across five continents. She is the author of the following books: The Beauty of Being a Woman, winner of the prestigious International Latino Book Awards 2015 and now translated into Spanish; Examined Shadows, a poetry collection; and a satire Jimmy Fallen’s (Baked Bio) Lip-Syncing Despite Life. She received her B.A. in English Literature from Sonoma State University and for her minor in French Literature, she studied at La Sorbonne in Paris and at Université de Aix-Marseille in France.

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