Angela James and Russell Cummings

Monday October 7, 2019 at 7:30 PM

Sacramento Poetry Center

Angela James is a local poet and storyteller who has featured many times over the years at a variety of venues. A true performance artist, she weaves music, movement and storytelling into her poetic performances in an eclectic fusion that appeals to all audiences. Angela is a certified multidisciplined teaching artist with Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission. She has been a judge for the California Poetry Out Loud competition and has worked with Poets in the Schools. Several micro grants from SMAC has enabled her to introduce poetry in after-school programs and incorporate it in a storytelling events. Angela’s work has been published in Sacramento City College’s literary magazine, Susuruss and can also be heard on the CD ‘Echo in the Bone’. She is currently working on a collection to be released later this year that chronicles the relationship between a physician and patient.

Russell Cummings is a Sacramento spoken word artist. Here he presents a piece dedicated to the Sacramento Kings. A portion of this poem was edited for the online version of the Sacramento Visitor and Convention Bureau’s commercial spot to be played in Times Square, New York.

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